Components, Scripts, Codes: Tools / Libraries
wolfSSL 4.0.0wolfSSL is a lightweight SSL/TLS library targeted for embedded and RTOS environments primarily because of its small size, speed, and portability....By: Larry Stefonic |
Freeware |
ByteScout PDF Renderer SDK Renderer SDK for .NET, ASP.NET, ActiveX converts PDF to PNG, TIFF, BMP, PDF to EMF metafile. PDF Renderer SDK does not require any other... |
Demo |
Extreme Injector 3.7Extreme Injector v3.7 - a powerful and advanced injector in a simple GUI! |
Freeware |
CAD DLL 12The library integrates CAD into applications in VC++, C#, Delphi, etc. without AutoCAD installation. CAD DLL license is royalty-free and has no... |
Shareware |
Wezarp Library Lite 1.3.1Wezarp Library Lite allows your software to be controlled by remote devices like a tablet, a smartphone or a remote computer. Just insert Wezarp...By: Jeff DAVID |
Freeware |
PadRMI 1.0The Paderborn Remote Method Invocation (PadRMI) library is a lightweight replacement for Java RMI that supports high-level routing.By: Padrmi |
Freeware |
gui_chung 1.0gui_chung , an compact freeware to program easy gui multi windows applications in freebasic. |
Freeware |
Patrick's Programming Library 6.4.11A platform independent C++ library with functions and classes covering file handling, memory, strings, arrays, lists, trees, threads, sockets,...By: |
Freeware |
SERiaM 0.02.00A simple API, written in C, for accessing the Serial ports in a consistent way across Multiple desktop and embedded platforms.By: Seriam |
Freeware |
RuleInfer 2012.10.07.0RuleInfer is a general purpose rules process engine.By: |
Freeware |
Number Speller 0.1The purpose of this library is to convert integer values to their english form.By: Numberspeller |
Freeware |
MultiMon Manager 1.0MultiMon Manager (MMM) is a Library to handle, detect, enumerate and control multiple Monitors under Windows, written in Object Pascal.By: Multimonmanager |
Freeware |
Instigate Generic Programming Core Lib 1.1.5Provides core mechanisms and foundation for implementing libraries of generic algorithms and data structures, using modern principles of Generic...By: Instigate-gpcl |
Freeware |
Fara 1.0This project is a small rearchitecture of the FIT Libraries action fixture to avoid bad scaling fixture classes when used with ui testing.By: Fara |
Freeware |
Nana C++ Library 3Nana C++ Library takes aim at easy-to-use and portable library, it provides a GUI framework and threads for easy programming with modern C++...By: Nanapro |
Freeware |
Jalali Date Convertor 1.0Some utility function and/or class to convert date from Gregorian calendar to Jalali (Hejri Shamsi) calendar in PHP, Delphi (and some other in...By: |
Freeware |
Java Text Mining Toolkit 1.0This work consists in building a Java Text mining toolkit based on what exists nowadays in the field of knowledge discovery from data collections.By: Javatextminingt |
Freeware |
UniversalPub 1.0This is the public sourceforge repository for modular libraries, samples and tools made during development of the game 'TheUniversal' (...By: Universalpub |
Freeware |
ODINI 1.0The On-Demand Intelligent Network Interface (ODINI) is a solution to interconnect mobile and fixed networks for mission-critical communications.By: Odini |
Freeware |
NOTUVY regex 1.1NOTUVY regex is a wrapper around the standard Java java.By: Notuvyregex |
Freeware |
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